Top 10 Most Difficult Songs To Sing

Top 10 songs that are difficult to sing
Top 10 songs that are difficult to sing

No amount of singing in the shower can prepare you for these behemoth tracks! Today we’ll be counting our picks for the Top 10 Most Difficult Songs To Sing. Whether it’s the operatic falsettos from Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”,
the unreachable high notes from Mariah Carey’s “Emotions” or the melancholic moans from “Dream On” by Aerosmith, these tracks really separate
the men from the boys in terms of singing ability.

#10: “Wuthering Heights” (1978)
#9: “Unchained Melody” (1965)
#8: “Dream On” (1973)
#7: “I Believe in a Thing Called Love” (2003)
#6: “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” (1982)
#5: “All By Myself” (1996)
#4: “Bohemian Rhapsody” (1975)
#3, #2 & #1: ?