The Top 10 Things – Trump says he’s going to do, if he is elected President.

Top 10 Things Trump will do if Elected President
Top 10 Things Trump will do if Elected President
Top Ten Things Trump will Do if Elected President

Top Ten Things Trump will Do if Elected President

Disclaimer: this is not an endorsement for either candidate.

These are the top 10 things Donald Trump, says he is going to do if he is elected President.

  1. Lower your taxes very substantially.

  2. Get rid of massive amounts of unnecessary regulations.

  3. Repeal and replace Obama-care.

  4. Appoint justices of the Supreme Court who will follow the Constitution.

  5. Rebuild are the Military.

  6. Take care of our Military Veterans.

  7. Save your second Amendment which is under siege.

  8. Stop illegal immigration, Deport illegals and Build a Wall.

  9. Renegotiate our disastrous trade deals and put the American worker first.

  10. Rebuild American infrastructure, roads, bridges, tunnels, highways, Airports, schools hospitals, etc.