Chewing Gum Tv Show

Chewing Gum Comedy LOL 2 Funny

Chewing Gum my be the funniest show on TV today. Tracey is a 24 year old virgin, from a religious family. She is socially awkward, obsessed with having sex for the fist time, and just…

Westworld Timeline Explained

Westworld Timeline Explained

Westworld the HBO hit of 2016 was amazing. The episodes leading up to and including the season finale revealed the mystery of the season one of show. Spoiler, William aka The Man in Black storytelling…

Tabata Best Workout Ever !

OMG! Best Workout Ever – Tabata

The Tabata Workout & Protocol: * 20 Seconds of sprint/work * 10 second rest, for 4 straight minutes Tabata music lets you focus on your workout by listening to the music which is synced to…

Tabata Workout Men

The Tabata Workout & Protocol: 20 Seconds of sprint/work – 10 second rest, for 4 straight minutes. Mathew Fraser – CrossFit style Tabata workout: Thruster GHD situps Snatch Bar Muscle Ups Kettlebell Swings Wall Balls…