Best Worst of JBL Xavier Heat

BEST (WORST) OF JBL – Xavier Heat

There is only one JBL— be thankful for that. John Charles Layfield aka John “Bradshaw” Layfield (abbreviated JBL), is an American color commentator and retired professional wrestler currently part of the broadcast team on SmackDown…

Mysteries of Antarctica

5 Mysteries of Antarctica

Antarctica is a pretty bizarre place; it is home to the coldest region on Earth but it’s also our largest desert. Until 2012 Antarctica’s Lake Vostok was quarantined from the world for 15million years, thanks…

Facebook Fraud Exposed

Evidence Facebook’s revenue is based on fake likes. I know first-hand that Facebook’s advertising model is deeply flawed. When I paid to promote my page I gained 80,000 followers in developing countries who didn’t care…