American Gods Episode 6 Breakdown

Mad Sweeney and Shadow Moon’s Dead wife, make the best road buddies. Episode 6 was about Vulcan’s back story, Mexican Jesus, Shadow Moon’s Dead wife, Ginger Minge aka Mad Sweeney and Salim-not-Salim.

Does Time Exist at the Same Time

Does Time Exist at the Same Time?

When we think of time we imagine it as a linear process capable of moving forwards and only forwards. In our imagination we can picture it shifting backwards too, but can time move sideways? Can…

Fidget Spinners Mania

Fidget Spinners are all the rage, check out these call Fidget Spinners. Buy Your Favorite Spinner! #1 Solid Blue Spinner ➡ #2 Multi Color Precision Spinner ➡ #3 LED Glow Spinner ➡…