Omarosa Fired or Quits White House – “Bye Girl !”

Omarosa Fired Quits Trump White House
Omarosa Fired Quits Trump White House

Omarosa Manigault Quits Trump’s White House after Roy Moore fiasco and more aides are expected to follow her, but other sources claim she was FIRED!

She reportedly said, ‘Enough was enough!

Some say she was dragged out kicking and screaming.

Omarosa is said to have left because of Roy Moore, an Alabama Republican accused of sexually assaulting and harassing teens, and racism!

‘After Roy Moore, enough was enough,’ the aide said.

A source outside the administration said that she was fired and escorted off the grounds the evening before.

Omarosa threw a tantrum in the White House and demanded she be allowed to speak with the President as chief of staff John Kelly gave her the boot, sources say.

“General Kelly didn’t allow her to speak to him. That is why she was cursing and threatening,” according to a source with knowledge of the Tuesday night to-do.

Omarosa was then unceremoniously escorted from the West Wing.

It got physical, and Omarosa had to be removed,” the source said.

Omarosa’s White House tenure parallels reality TV turmoil

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders painted Omarosa’s end in more magnanimous terms, telling reporters Wednesday she’d resigned.

Trump took to Twitter to wish her well.