Every Black Mirror Episode Ranked Worst To Best

Black Mirror has emerged as a smartly critical anthology series about a not-so-distant dystopian future, and humans’ relationship with technology. Most episodes feel like worst-case scenarios with the ambiance of The Twilight Zone for the 21st Century. Will our future interactions with technology be uplifting and empowering, or downright terrifying? Scary or not, though, some installments of Black Mirror are just plain better than others, so here’s a ranking of every episode of the show so far, from worst to best. Do we even need a spoiler warning here?

“The Waldo Moment”
“The National Anthem”
“Shut Up And Dance”
“Black Museum”
“Men Against Fire”
“The Entire History of You”
“White Bear”
“Hated in the Nation”
“Hang the DJ”
“USS Callister”
“Fifteen Million Merits”
“Be Right Back”
“White Christmas”
“San Junipero”