
Ask Conjoined Twins anything

Carmen and Lupita Andrade, 22, are attached along their chest walls. They have two arms, but only a single leg each, with Carmen controlling the right leg, and Lupita managing the left.

Mom of 3 Tattoos Eyeballs Pink

Michelle Di Donato, 32, estimates that she’s had 90 percent of her body covered in tattoos. Some of her most extreme tattoos include a penis on her foot, an octopus with a vagina on its…

Why Dead Whales are so Dangerous

Whales are the most likely animal to beach themselves and do so more frequently than one might expect. Why this happens is, however, not completely resolved. Whats more, whales have a tendency to explode after…

The Dark Past of Sea Monkeys

This is the story of how a tiny, magical creature was transformed into a cultural phenomenon by inventor, marketing genius and complicated eccentric Harold von Braunhut. Full of fun facts (both charming and disturbing), Just…