
7 Crazy Interesting Facts About Sperm

[embde Crazy interesting facts about sperm, Antony Van Leeuwen Hawke, a Dutch Scientist discovered sperm a long long time ago in 1677 using a Microscope …

10 Signs You’er Actually a Genius

t’s impossible to be a genius from birth; you can only become one by studying really hard. But some time ago, scientists started noticing certain features common in all geniuses. And we are not talking…

Does Time Exist at the Same Time

Does Time Exist at the Same Time?

When we think of time we imagine it as a linear process capable of moving forwards and only forwards. In our imagination we can picture it shifting backwards too, but can time move sideways? Can…

Mysteries of Antarctica

5 Mysteries of Antarctica

Antarctica is a pretty bizarre place; it is home to the coldest region on Earth but it’s also our largest desert. Until 2012 Antarctica’s Lake Vostok was quarantined from the world for 15million years, thanks…