
Trump is Jesus Christ

Donald Trump Is Jesus Christ

John Crowley, I’m not sure if this Guy is a comedian or just another guy who is in love with Donald Trump, but he is getting money from his patrion account …

Best Worst of JBL Xavier Heat

BEST (WORST) OF JBL – Xavier Heat

There is only one JBL— be thankful for that. John Charles Layfield aka John “Bradshaw” Layfield (abbreviated JBL), is an American color commentator and retired professional wrestler currently part of the broadcast team on SmackDown…


The YouTube Ad BoyCott has effected the most popular YouTubers on the platform. Scarce, H3H3, Rob Dyke, SourceFed, Phillip DeFranco, BlasphemousHDTV & more have all been financially effected. Is this the END OF YOUTUBE… Find…