C-word, Kathy Griffin Beheads President Trump

Kathy Griffin Beheads Trump
Kathy Griffin Beheads Trump

I censored the featured image in respect. People are taking this Trump $hit way too far. Oh man, Kathy Griffin what were you thinking. Your career is done! Even though a lot of people DO NOT LIKE President Donald Trump, he is still the fuk’n president and he deserves more respect than that. I am not a Big Fan of Trump, but I am an American who knows the difference between free speech / something funny, and dog-shit.

Kathy, you Fuk’n C-word, you are depicting The President of the United states as if you were some kind of Islamic State terrorist sending a message to her followers. This picture is similar to real pictures of real Americans that have been beheaded my maniacs who want to send a horrible message, you are just like them.

Ms. Griffin this is just a spit-in-the-face to most Americans, and some kind of shock publicity that will ultimately end your career. This is the most heinous, vulgar act of free speech I have ever seen, and let me tell you Free Speech is not free. You will pay the price for your stupidity. People in this country will boycott your brand. You will get hit right in the pocketbook as you should be.


Kathy Griffin Beheads President Donald Trump

Kathy Griffin Beheads President Donald Trump