Articles by oseerw

5 Most Amazing Cameras in the World

If you ever used Google Earth, Bing, Apple or most other mapping applications then you’ll have been seeing images mostly captured by satellites in orbit at around 360 odd miles above the earth. In 2014…

Top 10 Fastest Computers in the World

If you need to model things like the worlds weather, nuclear reactions, molecular dynamics or simulate the first few seconds after the big bang, you’re going to need some pretty serious computing power but just…


My scary sugar daddy storytime. I hope by telling these stories you can be entertained but mostly learn from my mistakes. Love Channon Rose

Why Dead Whales are so Dangerous

Whales are the most likely animal to beach themselves and do so more frequently than one might expect. Why this happens is, however, not completely resolved. Whats more, whales have a tendency to explode after…