Alex Jones Gets BANNED!

Karma has come for Alex Jones. Cenk Uygur, and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

“YouTube, Apple and Facebook have removed main outlets for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and his Infowars website, citing repeated violations of policies against hate speech and glorifying violence. Infowars responded by accusing the companies of censorship.

The streaming service Spotify also expanded a ban imposed last week on some of Jones’ content, saying Monday that “The Alex Jones Show has lost access to the Spotify platform.”

On Sunday, Apple and iTunes deleted five podcasts related to Infowars and Jones. The other bans then piled up in quick succession.

“Apple does not tolerate hate speech,” the company said in a statement. “We believe in representing a wide range of views, so long as people are respectful to those with differing opinions.”

YouTube and Facebook had previously warned Jones and Infowars that they were accumulating “strikes” by violating the services’ community standards.”

Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian

Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian