
Artist Promotion

Artist Promotion

Promote your Business or Artist. Our Audience is made up of thousands of Fans, Literally! They live and breath the culture, lifestyle, and the music. People of all walks shapes and sizes world wide who have one thing in common, the love of Hip Hop. Get to them and you will be on your way to success. Good luck and God Bless you on your journey.

Advertise as little as $5 to $10 per Day.
call 561.755.7079

We advertise your Business.
We advertise you on our Shows.
Banner on our website.
Artist Interview Video($250 value)
Free FB Fan Page with your Promotion
World Hip Hop Report – T-shirt
Banner Ad on our site and other partner sites
Artist Website Landing Page
Logo Design basic
Download Page
Bio Page
Events & Bookings
Photo Gallery

Full Video Production, Lights, Cameramen, Boom, Etc.
$ Call

* There may be additional fees, third party fees, and other fees.