15 Ways to make money with WordPress in 2017

Online business: freelancers, designers, developers – Here are 15 ways to make money with WordPress. If you’re planning a new business for 2017, or you’re just looking for a way to make side income, these 15 ideas might help you Jump-start that new venture.

WordPress is a great platform for a variety of business opportunities like services, downloadable products, and more. WordPress has a huge market share (for CMS) and a large energetic community behind it. Keep in mind, it’s still just a tool, and your mileage may vary.

1. Client services. I run a client services agency at https://slocumstudio.com

2. Consulting. I trade time for money, consulting on WordPress and other areas, on my Clarity channel https://clarity.fm/mattmedeiros

3. Support services. You could offer support services for a monthly fee or retainer. Checkout my friends at https://www.wpsitecare.com/plans/

4. Selling WordPress themes. I sell themes at https://slocumthemes.com using Easy Digital Downloads https://

5. Selling WordPress plugins. I sell a plugin at https://conductorplugin.com

6. Affiliates. You can write reviews using affiliate links to earn revenue, or become an affiliate of your own with something like AffiliateWP https://plugintut.com/go/affiliatewp

7. Apps & WordPress. You can create apps that leverage WordPress, like https://desk.pm/ or you can create apps *using* WordPress, like https://apppresser.com

8. Membership & LMS sites. You can create membership sites using WordPress, I’d recommend Restrict Content Pro https://plugintut.com/go/restrictcont… or LifterLMS https://plugintut.com/go/lifterlms

9. E-commerce on WordPress using https://woocommerce.com

10. Find sponsors to sponsor your content creation. Want to sponsor one of my shows? https://mattreport.com/sponsor

11. Writing Services. Become a content writer or content marketer for companies that use WordPress as a blogging platform.

12. Training services. You can become an “elite” WordPress trainer for 1-on-1 coaching or corporate engagements. Training users on using WordPress etc.

13. In-person workshops. You can host and market in-person workshops for your local community. Teaching people how to use WordPress, how to build a website, etc.

14. Hosting. You can try (it’s a stretch I know, but doable) to become your own WordPress managed host provider. Don’t care to? Become a reseller of Siteground https://plugintut.com/go/siteground

15. Become an SEO! Help customers rank and position their WordPress websites to be found, and earn more revenue. Checkout my friend Rebecca’s course on becoming a better SEO: https://plugintut.com/go/diyseo